Thursday, December 26, 2019

Reasons For The Fall Of The Roman Empire - 1127 Words

Why the Roman Empire Fell The Roman Empire was the most influential and structured government in history.Although they were more advanced they could not avoid the pitfalls that all countries face.Throughout history and even now civilizations can be dependant on these basic needs such as just political leadership, keeping the middle class at bay,economy, and religious morals,but unfortunately the Roman Empire had difficulties maintaining these basic needs. Through my research I have found several factors that contributed to the demise of the the empire. The first reason is unemployment of the working class the middle class got replaced with slaves(‘causes for the Fall of the Roman Empire’). â€Å"One of the main causes for the Fall of the†¦show more content†¦Christianity taught the belief in an afterlife which gave hope and courage to the desperate. Eventually the Roman Emperor, Constantine the Great, proclaimed himself a Christian and issued an edict promising the Christians his favor and protection. Attitudes in the Roman Empire changed from being antagonistic to becoming pacifistic(‘causes for the Fall of the Roman Empire’).† â€Å"The Christian religion, which was monotheistic ran counter to the traditional Roman religion, which was polytheistic (many gods). At different times, the Romans persecuted the Christians because of their beliefs, which were popular among the poor(The Fall of the Roman Empire). â€Å"In 313 C.E., Roman emperor Constantine the Great ended all persecution and declared toleration for Christianity. This drastic change in policy spread this relatively new religion to every corner of the Empire. (The Fall of the Roman Empire).† The emperors position was threatened. The emperors position was threatened because of the belief in a higher power that restored hope in the people which has not been there in a long time. Another factor for the collapse of rome is the ‘mob’ of bored romans. â€Å"If the thousands of unemployed Romans became bored this led to civil unrest and rioting in the streets. The Mob needed to be amused - spectacular gladiatorial games had to be provided. (‘causes for the Fall of the Roman Empire).†The mob consisted mainly of homeless people or hard working citizens that simply gave up.Show MoreRelatedEssay on The Fall of the Roman Empire1078 Words   |  5 PagesFall of the Roman Empire Name: Institution: â€Æ' Fall of the Roman Empire Introduction The Roman Empire faced many problems in the third century. Many of these problems came within the empire and other forces that were outside the empire. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Aileen Wuornos Essay - 553 Words

You’d be hard pressed to find one in a crowd. The average serial killer generally blends in with everyone else (Directory Journal, 2010). In fact, most are soft-spoken and even polite. Their monstrous nature only comes through when you dig deeper into their personalities, actions, and habits. Most seem to have come from dysfunctional family settings and were emotionally, sexually, or even verbally abused as children (Directory Journal, 2010). It is almost as if this background activates some psychological trigger that increases their feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness that led them to seek out their own heinous form of release. Often considered America’s first female serial killer, Aileen Wuornos was neither first nor the worst.†¦show more content†¦By age 10, Wuornos and her brother began experimenting sexually with each other and by 14, she was pregnant and initially claimed her brother was the father but would later state that she had been raped by an older man from her neighborhood (, 2010). She gave the baby up for adoption and then left home to hitchhike across America to work as a prostitute. She would spend the next twenty years trying to find a place to call home as her life spiraled out of control even more (, 2010). By 1976 she would find herself in and out of trouble with the law. Settling in Daytona Beach, Fl., she would find herself working the exit ramps up and down the Florida freeways taking customers wherever she could. She would eventually meet and fall in love with young waitress named Tyria Moore. They would stay together for a few years, barely getting by on Wuornos’ meager income from prostitution. Finding times tough, she and Moore would decide it would be necessary to rob her johns and then shot them to make ends meet (, 2010). In December1989, the body of Richard Mallory would be found near Daytona Beach(, 2010). He had been shot three times. Six months later, another man was found sot six times with the same gun. Before this body could be identified, a third victim was found. By November 1990, four more menShow MoreRelatedAileen Wuornos - Essay5419 Words   |  22 PagesAileen Wuornos Criminal Justice 1010 Introduction to Criminal Justice Mrs. Amanda Gentle Sarah Dean December 7, 2009 Riding the Pale Horse of Death, Aileen Wuornos murdered seven men over a nineteen-month period from December 1989 until November 1990, along highways in the state of Florida. While working as a prostitute, Aileen would solicit her victims then murder them. Wuornos confessed to committing seven murders. Aileen Wuornos was found guilty and convicted of six murders. Aileen receivedRead MoreAileen Wuornos Essay3375 Words   |  14 PagesAileen Carol Wuornos: The Life of a Serial Killer â€Å"I robbed them, and I killed them as cold as ice, and I would do it again, and I know I would kill another person because Ive hated humans for a long time.† (Wuornos, 1999-2010) These words came from Aileen Wuornos after she was arrested for the murders of seven men during the course of a year. She faced numerous adversities from early childhood through adulthood. She displayed many psychological warning signs, but none was attended too regardlessRead MoreThe Secret Life Of Aileen Wuornos:. A Women Serial Killer1954 Words   |  8 PagesThe Secret life of Aileen Wuornos: A Women Serial Killer A basic serial killer is a murderer of two or more victims at different times. There are several types of serial killers. The wildest category would be the Thrill- seekers. Thrill-seekers are known for being fearless of danger, having no remorse for their murders, irrational attitude, and impulsive behavior. They seem to enjoy the adrenaline rush they get when they kill and gain pleasure from doing it. The victims are usually strangersRead MoreThe Case Of Serial Killer Aileen Wuornos1145 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract In discussion of the case of serial killer Aileen Wuornos, the attachment and life course theories can be applied. Ms. Wuornos was neglected and abused by her guardians multiple times, which led her to a life of criminal activity. She began with small-scale crimes at an early age and eventually escalated to murder. This paper explores how the attachment theory played a major part in the life (and death) of a serial killer and how many lives could have been saved had Aileen’s circumstancesRead MoreEssay on Psychological Look at Aileen Wuornos1224 Words   |  5 PagesProfile: Aileen Wuornos Nature vs. Nurture: Aileen was born in 1956 to her 16 year old mother. She was not born with any physical or mental disabilities. At the time of her birth her father was incarcerated for child molestation and he was also believed to be a schizophrenic, he hung himself in jail and Aileen never met him. When Aileen was 3 years old her mother abandoned her and her 4 year old brother and left them with her own parents who legally adopted them. The family struggled economicallyRead MoreEssay on Aileen Wuornos2768 Words   |  12 Pagesï » ¿Hannah Velez FLM 400 Final Paper Aileen Wuornos: The Dark Tale of One Woman’s Descent into Infamy When did it all begin? Technically, Aileen became a murderer on December 1, 1989 when 51-year-old electrics shop owner Richard Mallory picked her up on I-75 (8) and together they drove off into the woods to meet an uncertain fate. But when did the murderous creature that is Aileen Wuornos come to be? She began prostituting herself as age 9 (5), without so much as an assault charge related to herRead MoreAileen Wuornos1416 Words   |  6 PagesThe Life and Death of Aileen Wuornos De’Serra Whitfield Troy University Abstract This research looks at the life and death of Aileen Wuornos, serial killer. A serial killer is someone who murders more than three victims one at a time in a relatively short interval. Serial killers have the ability to behave in a manner that arouses no suspicion. There are, however, a few signs to identify their potential to become a serial killer. People who suffers from psychopathy, involves a huge tendencyRead MoreAileen Wuornos Case Analysis1932 Words   |  8 PagesThe following criminal analysis shows why Aileen Wuornos was convicted for the murder of six men and what lead up to these actions. These actions were not in self-defense, but out of cold blood. This profile will analyze the following: what lead up to the murder of these men, what Wuornos’s intents were, the evidence and patterns, her personality and characteristics, and her behavior. These facts and evidence will show Wuornos’s intent and motive, and whether or not she was insane. This woman wasRead MoreLife And Death Of A Serial Killer1092 Words   |  5 Pagesviewing the film â€Å"Life and Death of a Serial Killer† starring one of America’s first female serial killers, Aileen Wuornos; I began to wonder why do individuals become serial killers? What is so special about committing murders and what causes the urge, thrill and the desire to kill? What exactly is the reason behind it all? These questions constantly cross my mind. After learning about Aileen Wuornos childhood, I concluded that her upbringing was one factor that drove her to become a serial killer. Read MoreThe First American Female Serial Killer3507 Words   |  15 Pagesperson I am going to analyse in this assignment is Aileen ‘Lee’ Carol Wuornos who was considered to be the first American female serial killer (Anon., 2015). Wuornos was born on February 29th 1956 in Rochester Michigan (Anon., 2015). Her father, Leo Dale Pittman was an alleged child molester and her mother Diane Wuornos was a teen mother who was not capable of taking up the responsibilities that came about with being a mother (Anon., 2015). Wuornos’ mother abandoned both her and her brother when they

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Lord of the Flies Essay Thesis Example For Students

Lord of the Flies Essay Thesis As we know Golding writes his novel by using imagery, symbolisms, allegories, and others by making the novel more persuasive, as if it was alive. He’s writing style is using simple language, but with a important subject matter, for example he tells a really simple story but at the end it has a lot of meaning and it lead us to a big idea. Golding writes in a simple style, he’s language is not complicated and at the same time is not too informal, for example in this passage we could find some figures of speech like â€Å"I’ve been all over† (Page 105) that is a Hyperbole, â€Å"The lagoon had protected them from the pacific†(Page 105) which is Personification, â€Å"block large as a mill wheel† (Page 107) that is Simile. We have the rhetorical figures that are Ethos, Pathos and Logos, and we can find them in this passage, we have Logos that are the facts The conch was used by Ralph to call the boys to a meeting. During the meetings a person could only speak if they raise their hand and hold up the conch . At the meeting to discuss the fire Ralph blew on the conch to call them to the meeting . After everyone was seated Ralph lifted the conch for them to be silent then he began to explain that they were on an uninhabited island with no grownups so they would have to look after themselves . Thats when Ralph madethe rules about the conch at the meetings. He tried to boost there moral by makingthe island sound fun. In the book when Ralph notices that the conch has been paretically bleached by the sun and had become a creamy-pink color. The author used the fadingcolor of the conch to show that the boys were growing apart. Because thats when you reallynotice that Jack holds no regard for Ralphs rules and rather go his own way. Atthe same meeting is when the little boy speaks out about a beast that Simon clamesisnt real and the beast is inside man himself. Jack insists that they need to hunt more , but Ralph doesnt agree with him and instead he said they needed to build shelters incase another storm came like the one they encountered upon their arrival . Ralph also said theirfirst priority is to get rescued and to get rescued they needed more smoke. But Jackstill insisted they needed to hunt more. Jacks defiance shows that he will soon go his own way. Near the end of the book when the conch is destroyed and Piggy is killed by a huge boulder that was rolled down a hill at the castle rock by Roger. After Jack and some other boys split off into their own tribe . They set up camp at a place they called Castel Rock . Piggy was upset that they had taken his glasses. So Ralph and Piggy went to go and get them back. Ralph told Piggy to get the conch to take it with them, as if he thought it still possessed power over Jacks tribe. Beowulf And Evil Problem EssayThe third main change is the establishment of the rituals and territories,. Jack says, You go away Ralph. You keep to your end. This is my end and my tribe. You leave me alone (195). Jack and Ralph have split the island, Jack at Castle Rock and Ralph by the beach. Rituals are set up by Jack, he and his tribe members dance around a fire, shouting a slogan, Kill the beast, cut his throat! Spill his blood! (168), further emphasizing their savage behaviors. The fourth major change in the boys are Simon and Piggys deaths. Simon is the one who sees what the real beast on the island is, that it actually is the inner beast in everyone, the beast doesnt exist. Piggy, the voice of reason and intellect, he must be killed because savagery will not be able to flourish with the existence of reason and intellect. Jack feels fine with Simon being killed, and soon Piggy. Is lies to the other boys in his tribe how the beast is in Simon, so they are doing the right thing by killing Simon. What Golding is trying to convey about the boys and about the people in general is, firstly, how the world would be if rules are broken, the boys on the island is a microcosm on the world. Ralph says, Because the rules are the only thing weve got (99). We can see what happens to the boys slowly after the rules are broken, there isnt any order and the boys turn into savages. The second message Golding wants to tell us is that individually, people are good but not in a big group. Being in a big group makes you see how at first, no one believes in the existence of the beast, but slowly, they are influenced by others and let their inner beast get to them. This story is a representative of society, examples of the people, for the evil that exists in society: fear, jealousy, ignorance etc. the third main message that Golding wants to say is that with a common goal, violence can occur and things can go horribly wrong. Jack being the new chief also reflects how absolute power corrupts a persons thinking and makes him unable to make the correct decisions. Jack being able to control everything made him lose his mind. Transforming into a savage. In conclusion, William Golding wants to tell us that absolute power should never fall into a single persons hands, as it will corrupt a persons mind. There is an evilness within every one of is, how we live as a person and what our personalities are all depends on how well we control our inner beast, not unleashing it. The temptation of power changes a person entirely, Jack from an English school boy to a ruthless savage, The most important point stressed in this story is definitely how we cannot live without rules, society breaks down without rules and humans will fall back in time- turning into savages.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Psychological and Physiological Effects free essay sample

The Psychological and Physiological Effects of Color in Health Care Environments General design objectives, sensory stimulation, visual perceptions, fatigue, color consonance and compensation, color associations, as well as, the psychological and physiological effects of color are extremely important considerations in healthcare design. I believe that as designers it is very difficult to veer away from the aesthetics of a particular environment when doing a presentation because it has, up to this point, been the major focus of our concentration. We want to make sure that the space, above all else, is visually pleasing. As designers we must, however, realize that our first objective is to do the research for the best possible color scheme both physically, emotionally and physiologically for our clients. We will write a custom essay sample on The Psychological and Physiological Effects or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Realizing that we are not designing a space for ourselves, as we are able to leave that space after the project is completed. The programming phase is truly the most important aspect of obtaining the best possible plan for our clients. We need to talk with our clients and asking important questions to know how they feel about certain colors, and secondly understanding the required function of that space. We then need to analyze the space at different times of day to determine how the lighting affects the areas we have been contracted to design. After we have done the required research and investigations then we should implement and meet all the necessary code compliances necessary to make the space as physically safe as it is visually pleasing. In order to choose proper color schemes for healthcare environments it is important to first understand how and why we respond to color in certain ways, as well as, how particular colors affect us psychological and physiological. Our response to color is inherited and learned but is also affected by geographic, region, climate, income and sophistication, as well as, the particular light source that is present. Your endocrine system reacts a certain way to a color because of the neurotransmitters you inherited from your parents. When you see a color, it registers in your brain and your brain sends out a chemical messenger for a certain hormonal response from the appropriate endocrine gland. An endocrine gland manufactures one or more hormones and secretes them directly into the blood stream. The endocrine glands include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands; the ovaries and testis; the placenta; and part of the pancreas. Endocrine glands react to colors as acknowledged by your brain. For instance, red is exciting to the human brain; therefore, neurotransmitters stimulate the adrenal glands to pump adrenaline into the body. As you grow from your lifes experiences, you tend to choose new color preferences. People and events from your past can cause you to like and dislike certain colors in the present. For example, a favorite grade school teachers blue dress can stimulate an appreciation for blue in your adulthood. Yet, an intense dislike for that teacher might cause you to turn off to blue. In adulthood, you tend to respond to stimuli the way that you were conditioned in childhood. The native colors of a geographic area you like can become your preferred colors. For instance, green could be your favorite color if a rainforest with its lush foliage is a place that helps you feel at ease mentally, spiritually and physically . Cultural attitudes towards specific colors can vary in different regions. All economic groups use status indicators, and color seems to be one of the most important. How you combine colors subtly reflects the class of people you associate with. The quality and properties of light can cause you to experience the same color differently when the light source changes. Each season of the year has its own characteristic temperature range and ratio of daylight to darkness. Any Alaskan can tell you about the seasonal depression that tends to come with winter and its daily shortness of light and color. Daylighting and different types of lamp styles will often greatly affect the appearance of the resulting color that we see. It is important to note that it is VERY difficult to change a client’s mind when you have presented a plan that in fact will not aesthetically look like you proposed, because the lighting will not allow the effect to be achieved. It is also important to use the principles of light reflectance of surface colors, visual limitations, artificial and natural lighting as it relates to selections.